Deciding when to sell is often a balancing act of juggling normal commitments of work, school and daily life together with the time it takes to maximise the value of your home and prepare it for sale.
A popular reason among families to move during summer holidays is to allow the kids to start at their new schools at the beginning of the academic year. If your home will appeal to young families, this is a great reason to put up a for sale sign at this time of year.
Another plus for a summertime sale is the positive attitude of prospective buyers. They tend to be serious, wanting to strike a deal and push through the settlement so they can begin their new year with a new start.
Your choice of agent is a critical factor in a summer sale. You need someone who understands the different approaches required to sell a property over the holiday period.
We see many families looking to climb the property ladder in the summer months. With everyone at home and on holidays, it can quickly become evident they’ve outgrown their home and need more space.
4 great reasons to sell before Christmas
1. This summer will not be like any other because of Covid-19. There’s pent-up demand for property now and this will help you achieve a strong price. We can't predict what the market will look in 2022.
2. Interest rates are at record lows, and there’s a fistful of government incentives for buyers, so there’s probably never a better time to sell.
3. Property prices fluctuate based on supply and demand. Historically, there are fewer properties on the market in summer but you’ll find motivated buyers. In this scenario, you might beat your price expectations.
4. Buyers are often optimistic at this time of year and more willing to consider options for their future as the end of the year gets closer – an enthusiasm for a new start in a new year.
Prepare for a pre-Christmas sale
Staging your home for summer
Light furniture materials, such as wicker, and bright colours for throw rugs and cushions, help enhance the wonderful feel of summer.
Go easy on festive decorations
Plan to be having open for inspections wrapping up in the first week of December. For this year, restrain yourself to a tastefully decorated tree, don’t clutter your home with tinsel.
Prepare your home meticulously
Great features such as a swimming pool, spa, entertainment area and lovely gardens are deal-clinchers in summer.
Consider upgrades
Upgrades to your entertainment area will make it a real winner for prospective buyers at this time of year.
Clean a little more than usual
Clean windows, sills and paths as dirt and dust accumulates with a mixture of heat and summer rain.
Focus on the front of your home to make a good first impression.
Keep the lawn well-watered and mown. Cover the flowerbeds with mulch so the plants do not dry out. Consider planting some shade trees to create outdoor ambience.
This information is general only and does not constitute professional advice. You should always seek professional advice concerning your particular circumstances before acting.
We have worked with many owners to sell successfully leading up to Christmas. Our pre-Christmas selling strategies aren't impacted by fewer people in town or holiday season distractions. Our strategy will mean everything around the sale of your property is sorted before Christmas. Then you can be ready to welcome the new year with nothing to do but enjoy holidays, family and friends. Get in touch to chat about the perfect pre-Christmas selling strategy for you.
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