If we don’t get back to you, we won’t charge you fees for a week.
You contact us for any reason, and we will respond to you within our committed timeframe.*
*Our commitment timeframe is 2 business day.

Tenant doesn’t work out, no re-let costs to you.
If an unlikely event occurs, your tenant doesn’t work out and needs to be evicted, we’ll manage the insurance claim and re-let the property FREE of charge.*
*Applies in the case of lease termination by agency only. Tenant must have been placed by us. Excludes 3rd party charges (portal advertising)

Tenant doesn’t pay rent, we’ll cover it.
If your tenant stops paying rent, we’ll pay the rent until the situation is resolved. Stress less about missing a loan repayment with our support.*
*Tenant must have been placed by us, current landlord insurance to be held by recommended supplier. Payable after 60 days of arrears and until the tenant vacates. TPC has no obligation beyond the vacate date/tenant moving out. The gap between the tenant moving out and the new tenant moving in is not covered by this guarantee. Make good of any damages or 3rd party costs is not included in the guarantee, this would be managed directly via an insurance claim. Tenants’ failure to pay rent will not be covered if it is a consequence of the landlord breaching their Tenancy Agreement and/or Instructions to Act as Managing Agent. Insurance claim funds must be paid into The Property Collective trust account. Excludes legislative changes and major events (including pandemics).

If we let you down, you won’t get charged any exit fees.
If we have not fulfilled our service standards to you*, please notify us and we will waive our exit fees should we not be able to find a suitable solution for you
*Refer to inclusions in our agreement (the things we say we will do)